About the Webmaster

  • Name:st4rshore
  • Myers Briggs:ENFP
  • Knowledgeable about niche but useless things that come up in conversation
  • Learned to code Oct 2022-Jan 2023 (Basics of HTML/CSS)
  • Still needs to learn Javascript...
  • Probably needs sleep rn

The Color of My Soul

Fluffy clouds. Gentle breezes. Greek islands. Your soul is sky: a symbol of freedom, hope, and limitless possibilities. You move through life with a lightness and joy, your spirit open and expansive. Your presence brings a breath of fresh air, refreshing and invigorating those around you. You embody optimism and dreams, encouraging others to look beyond their horizons and believe in the boundless potential within them. Your approach to life is carefree yet thoughtful, finding beauty in the vast and the infinite. In your eyes, the world is a canvas of opportunities, ready to be painted with the colors of your imagination.

my soul color + name + core on pinterest used for the moodboard. quiz from here

My reaction this information:

My Ocs

Want to see more of my art?

Please do not be repost art of my OCs or heavily reference/copy their designs! They are my babies.